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First, welcome to Wildlocavore! For any of you unfamiliar with the Locavore movement, here is the Wikipedia definition -”Those who prefer to eat locally grown/produced food sometimes call themselves locavores or localvores”. There are many factors that prompted me to begin contributing to this site, ranging from culture and resource preservation, to my health concerns relating to the vast, industrialised, and well-lobbied food distribution system.

 Using the skills gained from a lifetime of hunting, fishing, and life in the outdoors prompted me to share what I know in support of the Wild Locavore lifestyle. Local food is great food, and after you consistently eat the wild and homegrown products that are good for you, you’ll be disappointed at all but the finest restaurants!   Look forward to stories of hunts from Louisiana to Colorado, of filling coolers full of fish from the Gulf of Mexico, nets full of shrimp in Mobile Bay, wild plant foraging on the outskirts of New Orleans, fresh elk from the Colorado foothills, and of a small Florida backyard full of fresh vegetables to complement the bounty from these stories.  Every week will include a new recipe using ingredients “mostly” found in the wild or that you can easily forage or grow yourself. This is simply information to help you eat like a king, enjoy stories of adrenaline charged adventures and have a lot of fun while divorcing yourself from the corporate farm food trap. Read, enjoy, and please offer your feedback and enhancement suggestions!

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